
All parents who want to volunteer or attend classroom parties, special daytime school events (like the Book Fair, Immigration Day, and Colonial Day) must submit a new background check for this school year. The volunteer application/background check can be completed at plano.voly.org


Background checks are only good through the end of the school year in which they are submitted, so even if a parent completed one in May, they need to re-do one for this year.  The background must be completed and come back clear before a parent can volunteer or attend a special class day/party.


We are encouraging all parents to complete the background check, even if they don’t think they will volunteer this year. That way, if anything changes, they don’t have to wait for the background check to come back, which can take 2-3 business days. We had to turn away a few parents from class parties this year, and I would hate to have to do it again.


If you would like to volunteer with us, please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form


Volunteer Position Descriptions 

  • Grade Level Coordinator (GLC) - leads the grade level team of room parents and volunteers to plan/organize special events
  • Room Parent - assists the GLC and other room parent(s) with planning/organizing special events
  • General Volunteer - volunteers for specific activities as needed/announced by GLC and grade level teachers
  • Library Volunteer - assists the librarian on a semi-regular basis during a set classroom library time


Special Events Include:

  • 5th Grade Immigration Day
  • 1st Grade Colonial Day
  • Book Fairs
  • Winter Party
  • Friendship Party
  • 5th Grade Picasso Art Auction
  • End of Year Party

Join Bethany PTA

$20 per Family

$11 per Individual

$15 per Community Member

Upcoming PTA Events



The Bethany PTA President at president@bethanypta.org